14 Ocak 2019 Pazartesi

Player Colors

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/2v7Cu6k

Terms & Modes

You can add computers as players. All difficulties of computers Easy/Normal/Insane play in the same way

At the end of the game MVP is shown by * at the leaderboard

Leaver Penalty
As players leave/knockout/kicked, the hp of enemies increase or decrease depending of their leaks

Preview Towers
There are towers in the middle of the map that show tower preferences of players

Player Points
The numbers in the leaderboard don't show kills. They are points. Two waves which have 20 enemies or 90 enemies gives the same point

Dynamic Attack Damage
Poison, Blade and Bouncing towers have dynamic attack damage that changes depending of enemy counts

Magical Words
Players who use "magical words" get disappeared

Map Shaking
Has 2 levels, first is from 72 overrun to 88, other from 88 to 100

Base Exploit
You can't build towers at other player's base.

AFK players at the beginning of the game gets kicked automatically

Alternative Point System
When APS is on, kills at higher overrun gives more points exponentially

Makes waves random. That is, next wave can be anything like immune, air or medium. Only round1 is fixed(footman).

(-votekick x)
You can call a vote to kick a player. "x" can be color or name of the player. Need 70% yes to be able to kick

Makes gametime its 1/2

Makes gametime its 1/3

Make game difficulty hard by force

(-skip x)
You can skip initial rounds. "x" can be 5, 10, 15, 20 or 27.

Workers get passive items. Towers get extra damage depending on the rank of the items (normal, rare, epic or golden)

The player who can't kill at least 33% of their enemies in 2 rounds get kicked.

Gives the control of  the player to the computer. The players gets @ prefix to his/her name

Unlocks trollbolt's hero mode

2 yorum:

  1. how can i download your latest version?

    1. hi Aricemax, I upload them to epicwar.com and post them on this blog.
